Showing 951-975 of 2,758 items.
AuthorPreviewIDTitleDescriptionTagsUnlistedFile SizeCreatedUpdated
Avatar Steelcap1553197811Enforcer FadeA controversial prototype.\n\n\nAlters blink to cost 80 but have no sustained cost.
Reduces fade size while blinking to a tiny mote.
Alters Jumping physics\n\n\nIncreases fade HP to 300
Armor to 150
Carapace to 250

Biomass scaling to 10
Must be run on Server, Gameplay TweakNo5.425 MiBNov 1, 201801-11-2018 01:41:52
Avatar Nin1173477213Personal Shield GeneratorModID: 45f1d75dNo373.24 KiBOct 18, 201731-10-2018 20:08:20
Avatar Doggö1552949014Mendasps 'smallest cross ever' but worksMendasps 'smallest cross ever' but worksNo1.14 KiBOct 31, 201831-10-2018 18:54:01
Avatar Doggö1375396068Doghair (no circles)Doghair (no circles)Passes Default Consistency, CrosshairsNo12.857 KiBMay 1, 201831-10-2018 18:09:43
Avatar Las1551368195Transparent CloakingMod ID: 5C780003

This mod replaces the vanilla cloaking with Nin's awesome cloaking.
It is a bit like twiliteblue's cloaking, but it looks more like vanilla.

All credits go to Nin! I just ripped it from his balance mod.
Look and Feel, Must be run on Server, Gameplay modificationNo3.458 KiBOct 29, 201829-10-2018 17:33:17
Avatar Avoca1544100113[Shine] playerinfojson Karma SystemThis is done.\n\n\nsh_addkarma\n\n\nsh_saveinfo\n\n\nplayersinfo.json\n\n\nFor something to use like this:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMust be run on Server, ToolNo8.063 KiBOct 20, 201827-10-2018 18:02:38
Avatar Archie1546687470NS1 Skulk Teeth

Replaces NS2 Skulk Teeth with NS1 skulk teeth,

1.please turn off camera animation in NS2>general as i've disabled the camera from moving and disconnected it from the rigged bone in the model file

2.Please use default skulk skin in customisation menu
Look and FeelNo15.07 MiBOct 24, 201824-10-2018 09:52:39
Avatar Avoca1517088796Proving Ground Team QueueWritten for Proving Ground server,\n\n\ncurrently with Shine, and no Node concept.\n\n\nQueue is small count <= 6, doesn't matter too much about for loops.\n\n\nThis process in no way shape or form is intended to be deceiving to server browser. The idea is to automate the process of waiting to join a team as spectator.\n\n\nBy default, the spectator must f4 then join team. with this, they join a queue and stay in spectator and get set to the team when a spot is open.\n\n\nThis adds functions for teamjoin to check when a spot is open based on the desired sh_teamcap size.\n\n\nThe only misleading portion is sh_teamcap command if less than the current slot limit count. This is due to the slot limit count being set at server launch, and not adjustable without server reboot.\n\n\nIf a spect f4s then joins team, that process is faster than my eyes see in server browser going from 24 to 23. This process is faster than human, so it is not misleading. It's a tool. It's helpful.\n\n\nI had fun writing. I have to make sure the requirements fit the bill!Must be run on Server, ToolNo7.914 KiBSep 19, 201820-10-2018 01:25:10
Avatar Avoca325318033ns_beemersiege11/9/14 9:04 am\n\n\nupdated ns_beemersiege\n\n\n-replaced func_door with func_moveable\n\n\n-added teleport death triggers for exploiters in front & siege\n\n\n-removed power node in front door room and replaced it with death_trigger set to 5 dmg/sec and added lava texture to the middle area of both stairs\n\n\n-delayed alien siege door by 5 minutes\n\n\n-updated all lights to enable shadows\n\n\n- added bunches of reflection_probes with settings of range: 250 & density 0.1\n\n\n- painted in textures that were missed/gray\n\n\n- filled in a few holes\n\n\n-added a texture in readyroom saying the maprules/original map author\n\n\np.s - Being an exo and picking up the free jetpack = errors? (Didnt update siegemod logicgiveitem for this yet)\n\n\nNo1.119 MiBOct 11, 201414-10-2018 02:35:52
Avatar Avoca1537914952ns1_darksiege_2018ns1_darksiege_2018Must be run on Server, MapNo3.602 MiBOct 13, 201813-10-2018 14:54:02
Avatar Avoca502349315ns1_darksiege_20162019Must be run on Server, MapNo2.354 MiBAug 18, 201513-10-2018 14:14:00
Avatar Avoca1527102695ns2_domesiege2_2017bns2_domesiege2_2017bNo1.198 MiBSep 30, 201812-10-2018 17:26:56
Avatar Avoca502343742ns1_birdsiege_2015dsdsMust be run on Server, MapNo4.231 MiBAug 18, 201512-10-2018 17:21:29
Avatar Avoca844121960ns1_space_cow_ranch_siege_2018a classic rebornMust be run on Server, MapNo3 MiBJan 17, 201712-10-2018 16:50:33
Avatar rantology1536156019CandyCorn BabblerCandyCorn BabblerNo1.814 MiBOct 11, 201811-10-2018 15:58:19
Avatar Avoca1419660682[Shine] Director (Spectator)M > Spectator

I came here to post an update on the system. It turns out that NS2 already has "FollowMoveMixin" for spectators, which is basically a third person camera following system. But it appears to be disabled and not in use. When I enabled it, the angles wouldn't update, but the target choosing is fine. So what I did yesterday was wire in a toggle on demand to work with shine. I've also wired in for the angles to update, and another toggle to change the delay between interval changing between 8-24s. I changed the target choosing to be done on interval and not mouse click.

All of the changes may be found here in my most recent version:

FollowMoveMixin modified

local orig = FollowMoveMixin.__initmixin
function FollowMoveMixin:__initmixin()
self.intervals = 9

function FollowMoveMixin:setIntervals(num)
self.intervals = num

function FollowMoveMixin:getFME()
return self.followMoveEnabled

UpdateTarget function

-- local primaryAttack =, Move.PrimaryAttack) ~= 0
-- local secondaryAttack =, Move.SecondaryAttack) ~= 0
local isTargetValid = self:GetIsValidTarget(Shared.GetEntity(self.followedTargetId))
-- local changeTargetAction = primaryAttack or secondaryAttack

-- Require another click to change target.
-- NOT. That would be lame, yo. Let me watch a movie and commentate over it on demand.
local changeTarget = not isTargetValid--(not self.changeTargetAction and changeTargetAction) or not isTargetValid
changeTarget = changeTarget or ( not self.timeLast or self.timeLast + self.intervals < Shared.GetTime() ) --Lets not stay forever

self.changeTargetAction = changeTargetAction

if changeTarget then--and secondaryAttack then
self:ChangeTarget(self, true)
self.timeLast = Shared.GetTime()
elseif changeTarget then --??
self:ChangeTarget(self, false)

UpdateView function
if targetEntity ~= nil then
local dir = GetNormalizedVector(targetEntity:GetOrigin() - self:GetOrigin())
local angles = Angles(GetPitchFromVector(dir), GetYawFromVector(dir), 0)
end\n\n\n(and more from that file)

Client menu toggle settings:

Shine.VoteMenu:AddPage( "Intervals", function( self )
self:AddSideButton( "8 Seconds", function()
Shared.ConsoleCommand( "sh_director_intervals 8" )
end )
self:AddSideButton( "12 Seconds", function()
Shared.ConsoleCommand( "sh_director_intervals 12" )
end )
self:AddSideButton( "16 Seconds", function()
Shared.ConsoleCommand( "sh_director_intervals 16" )
end )
self:AddSideButton( "20 Seconds", function()
Shared.ConsoleCommand( "sh_director_intervals 20" )
end )
self:AddSideButton( "24 Seconds", function()
Shared.ConsoleCommand( "sh_director_intervals 24" )
end )
self:AddTopButton( "Back", function()
self:SetPage( "Spectator" )
end )
end )\n\n\n Shine.VoteMenu:AddPage( "Spectator", function( self )
self:AddTopButton( "Back", function()
self:SetPage( "Proving Grounds" )
end )
self:AddSideButton( "Intervals", function()
self:SetPage( "Intervals" )
end )
end )

Shine.VoteMenu:EditPage( "Spectator", function( self )
self:AddSideButton( "Toggle Director", function()
-- Shared.ConsoleCommand( "sh_specvoice 1" )
--local player = Client.GetLocalPlayer()
-- player:setNoQueue(player)
Shared.ConsoleCommand( "sh_direct" )
--self:SetPage( "Main" )
--self:SetIsVisible( false )
end )\n\n\nend )\n\n\nServer.lua very bottum here with the commands are the only thing in use and none of my for loops for target choosing are in use at the moment

function Plugin:CreateCommands()\n\n\nlocal function Direct( Client )
local Player = Client:GetControllingPlayer()
if Player:GetSpectatorMode() ~= kSpectatorMode.FreeLook then Player:SetSpectatorMode(kSpectatorMode.FreeLook) end
if Player:GetTeamNumber() == 3 then
--Player.isDirecting = not Player.isDirecting
Player:SetFollowMoveEnabled( not Player:getFME() )
self:NotifyGeneric( Client, "Director Boolean is now %s ", true, Player:getFME() )

local DirectCommand = self:BindCommand( "sh_direct", "direct", Direct, true)

local function Director_Intervals( Client, Number )
local Player = Client:GetControllingPlayer()
if Player:GetTeamNumber() == 3 then
self:NotifyGeneric( Client, "Intervals delay is now %s", true, Number )

local DirectIntervalsCommand = self:BindCommand( "sh_director_intervals", "director_intervals", Director_Intervals, true)
DirectIntervalsCommand:AddParam{ Type = "number", Min = 8, Max = 32, Round = true, Optional = false, Default = 8 }\n\n\nend\n\n\n

I may do some editing to who to pick as target, such as to include arcs/macs/drifters moving and/or set player to require incombat to make angles more interesting

function Spectator:GetIsValidTarget(entity)

local isValid = entity and not entity:isa("Commander") and (HasMixin(entity, "Live") and entity:GetIsAlive())
isValid = isValid and (entity:GetTeamNumber() ~= kTeamReadyRoom and entity:GetTeamNumber() ~= kSpectatorIndex)

return isValid

Look and Feel, Must be run on ServerNo9.611 KiBJun 23, 201807-10-2018 00:52:51
Avatar munkeyspaynk224021574Reverse HighlightMod ID: D5A4C46

Highlighting everything not of interest for whatevs
Alien Vision, Passes Default ConsistencyNo1.312 KiBFeb 3, 201404-10-2018 07:17:48
Avatar munkeyspaynk416172684Orange Alien VisionModID: 18CE4A8C

Tints the environment orange and flattens out the details. Important objects are hilighted darker orange.
Alien Vision, Passes Default ConsistencyNo1.079 KiBMar 29, 201504-10-2018 06:58:47
Avatar munkeyspaynk334760069Dramatic AlienvisionMod ID: 13F40885

Default on red highlighting with green environment and limited view distance. Toggles for dramatic and brighter vision with no highlighting.
Alien Vision, Passes Default ConsistencyNo1.093 KiBNov 1, 201404-10-2018 06:57:43
Avatar munkeyspaynk203226891munkeyspaynk Alien VisionMod ID: C1CFF0B

Messing around with alien vision. It only helps with target sighting but not night vision.
Alien Vision, Passes Default ConsistencyNo1.319 KiBDec 12, 201304-10-2018 06:55:24
Avatar munkeyspaynk191209193munkeyspaynk Dot CrosshairMod ID: B659EE9

munkeyspaynk Dot Crosshair
Passes Default Consistency, CrosshairsNo117.217 KiBNov 2, 201304-10-2018 06:55:06
Avatar Avoca438378667ns2_trainsiege2modified entitiesNo494.447 KiBMay 6, 201501-10-2018 01:04:18
Avatar Avoca748651798ns2_hivesiege6desc requiredMust be run on Server, MapNo2.579 MiBAug 21, 201630-09-2018 17:09:48
Avatar Avoca1526522889ns2_bunkersiege2_2015ns2_bunkersiege2_2015No13.091 MiBSep 30, 201830-09-2018 05:29:03
Avatar Avoca1526521542ns2_bunkersiege2_2015ns2_bunkersiege2_2015No13.091 MiBSep 30, 201830-09-2018 05:00:12