Showing 1,851-1,875 of 2,768 items.
AuthorPreviewIDTitleDescriptionTagsUnlistedFile SizeCreatedUpdated
Avatar ScardyBob341343367ns2_lobstersiege*Requires SiegeMod for intended gameplay*

Lobster! Lobster!

6 minutes for preparation
20 minutes till the siege room is open

- Standard siege map design
- Fun easter eggs!

Version: Beta 1
No19.408 MiBNov 14, 201422-11-2014 21:25:38
Avatar ScardyBob316765891ns2_trainsiege*Requires SiegeMod (Mod ID: 128d1f98) for intended gameplay*\n\n\nThe TSF subway has been overrun with infestation. Will the marines be able to restore the trains to regular service?\n\n\n7 minutes for preparation\n\n\n25 minutes till the siege room is available\n\n\n---------------------\n\n\nVersion: Beta 3No11.782 MiBSep 21, 201422-11-2014 21:22:50
Avatar Ulysse the mute344146860REKTNo16.116 MiBNov 20, 201420-11-2014 00:28:52
Avatar moofree199040617minechainThis is only really meant for fun times with cheats on.\n\n\nAllows placement of mines on top of mines.
No3.155 KiBNov 29, 201319-11-2014 17:30:53
Avatar Calego343705083Badges After NameThe idea is to have the Badges after a person's name in the scoreboard.

I have no idea what I'm doing and I'll be amazed if this works.
No967 BNov 18, 201418-11-2014 22:22:02
Avatar Avoca343604002ns2_biodome_siegenot readyNo26.568 MiBNov 18, 201418-11-2014 17:02:14
Avatar Samoose217414817Ready Room RavePlays Nancy secret room rave music and has party lights, as well as old NS1 sounds.

In ServerAdmin.json you will need to assign people to groups and have a group for the sound. The needed fields for it to work for a player are the command and decal lines, name of group doesn't matter. You can just copy those into the admin group if you want it to be just for admins etc... The sound and cinematic will automatically turn off when the game starts. The commands for playable sounds can be found using soundhelp in console. sound nancy is how to trigger the sound, sound rave triggers the looping cinematic.

"ns1sound_group": {
"commands": [ "sound", "spray" ],
"type": "allowed",
"decal": [ "ui/gorge_.material" ]
"users": {
"Orphan Black (Samusdroid)": {
"id": 123456789,
"groups": [ "admin_group", "ns1sound_group" ]
No8.256 MiBJan 17, 201418-11-2014 03:00:08
Avatar Lotnik212016680ns2_lightns2_light is based on a square, where tech points are located on corners of the map. There is also TP in the center of the map. Map has 9 RTs. There is no graybox, but most of the map contains random textures and only part of it is detailed. Balance still isn't perfect. Any feedback is welcome.No2.753 MiBJan 3, 201417-11-2014 23:47:37
Avatar MetaMind09277609301Last Resistance(Survivor) 3/33rd part of Last Resistance ModNo37.264 MiBJun 28, 201417-11-2014 20:27:32
Avatar roxxkatt335690800roxxAV

roxxkatt's Alien Vision Mod

Mod ID: 14023c30

I hated the default alien vision, and I was unsatisfied with the selection of custom alien vision mods available. I was fairly happy using Uke's AV, but there were a few things I wanted to improve.

So improve I did, and I was extremely happy with the result, and have been using it ever since.
Now, I wanted to share it with everyone.
This is an AV you can leave on all game.

Some people (and server operators) feel this mod gives aliens too much of an advantage due to the excellent contrast (easily visible marines and mines) and as a result I have increased the magnitude of the fog to reduce the effectiveness of aliens at range, thereby increasing the already huge advantage of marines at a distance, and I will remind everyone that the AV does not activate and deactivate immediately, meaning that its use has to be premeditated.

I would also note that this is a well laid out and well commented mod, so I invite any aspiring modders to come have a look and learn something in the process. (:

Another note is that this mod was created and fine tuned working casually in less than a week, and its current state was not planned and is exclusively a result of its evolution over time.

Let me know what you think, what you like about it, and what you dislike about it, and anything else you would like to see added to it.

Additionally, due to popular requests for stylistic modifications or things that I really didn't want to add to the main version, I have created a bunch of subversions to suit people's individual desires.

Color fades over distance to aid depth perception
Object colors are the inverse of environment for easy contrast
Colors "breathe" over time, just as an alien would
Environment colors are a bit darker to boost object contrast
Wave front while effect activating
Retracting wave front while deactivating
Echolocation type pulsation
Subtractive volumetric fog

Mild refract effect to simulate alien vision
Depth of field focus

Changed standard hive vision from yellow to white - it seems most servers check this file ):
Depth based effect to simulate alien vision - can not be implemented properly and detracts from the aesthetic


Instructions for use:
1) Click subscribe
2) Open game
3) Click mods
4) Click roxxAV
5) Join a server and alien team
6) Press F

Other versions:

Black: Red
Black: Green
Black: Blue
Alien Vision, Passes Default ConsistencyNo1.831 KiBNov 2, 201417-11-2014 03:56:50
Avatar .refleX172228483ns2_co_ingressNo86.41 KiBAug 24, 201316-11-2014 03:48:59
Avatar ScardyBob335467766ns2_angrysiege*Requires SiegeMod for intended gameplay*

Making you angry for siege since 2003!

5 minutes for preparation
10 minutes for marine teleport to activate
15 minutes for alien teleport to activate
Marine siege door needs to welded open
20 minutes for alien siege door to open
30 minutes till both resource rooms are accessible by teleport

- Siege rooms for both teams
- Siege rooms cover the resource rather than tech points
- Staged access to siege rooms

Version: Alpha 4
No32.235 MiBNov 2, 201415-11-2014 00:26:50
Avatar Calego340422976c4BadgesCustom Badges for Calego's Captains Corner ClubNo134 BNov 11, 201414-11-2014 19:58:43
Avatar roxxkatt335765070roxxAV-M

roxxkatt's Alien Vision Mod - Minimal version

Mod ID: 14035e4e

A minimalistic version of my Alien Vision mod.
Because others aren't minimal enough.
Also because some are -too- minimal.

Let me know likes/dislikes/requests.

Tamer colors
Removed fog
Removed warping
Instant activation

Other versions:

Black: Red
Black: Green
Black: Blue
Alien Vision, Passes Default ConsistencyNo1.206 KiBNov 2, 201412-11-2014 03:54:23
Avatar Decapacitor337253204d4rkAlf's Magenta Dot CrosshairThis is a modified verions of Skie's Magenta Dot Crosshair. From his description:

"A simple Quake3 -inspired crosshair with a 6x6 pixel dot and X shaped radiant red hitmarkers. Very visible in all situations. Not visible for melee weapons."

I have added a circle around the dot for the shotgun and also made the crosshair work for exos.
No8.057 KiBNov 5, 201412-11-2014 00:25:08
Avatar Amad340288423Amad's CrosshairAfter tons of different crosshairs I decided to make my own. This crosshair is for every marine weapon and alien lifeform.

A simple cyan dot with a black highlight around it, should be able to spot the crosshair no matter what background you're facing.

There is NO hit detection crosshairs included. Just the one you see in the pictures.
No4.553 KiBNov 11, 201411-11-2014 15:49:31
Avatar spring339959968Spring's outdated crosshairWhat title says.

PS. They're black.

First is rifle, second pistol, third melee.
No2.384 KiBNov 10, 201410-11-2014 19:48:15
Avatar PREVERT-MAXIMUS246524501ns2_orbitalThis was originally an ns1 map and I had the mappers original map file, so I decided to convert it to ns2. Please check it out and let me know if you have any feedback. Thanks!No18.949 MiBApr 6, 201410-11-2014 02:15:59
Avatar Loki246463430ns2_derelict rebootNS2 Derelict\n\n\nOriginal Map by UWE / Insane\n\n\nRebooted by Loki\n\n\nCurrent version Alpha v0.3No16.075 MiBApr 6, 201409-11-2014 21:10:41
Avatar CarNagE299583247Battle Gorge RoyaleMOD used for our Polish Community server Battle Gorge RoyaleNo8.244 MiBAug 12, 201409-11-2014 09:13:51
Avatar Cr4zy338152264CrosshairpewpewNo1.766 KiBNov 7, 201407-11-2014 17:24:03
Avatar Samoose337535560Salads HitsoundsSounds of Salads laughing
Who is Salads? He has the most contagious laugh in NS2.
Warning, NSFS (Not safe for Salads)
No427.152 KiBNov 6, 201406-11-2014 10:01:47
Avatar roxxkatt335882761roxxAV-BGA blue+green version of my Alien Vision mod.

Let me know likes/dislikes/requests.

Mod ID: 14052a09

Other versions:

Black: Red
Black: Green
Black: Blue
No1.475 KiBNov 2, 201404-11-2014 13:39:29
Avatar LyDDa321751276ns2_tram_trainingns2_tram_trainingNo9.621 MiBOct 3, 201402-11-2014 18:32:42
Avatar Brian118434990ns2_hivesiege*** IMPORTANT: Requires Siege Entities for proper door operation!!! ***

A level inspired by NS1's "siege" levels.

At first, Aliens and Marines are isolated from each other by a set of doors, allowing each team to focus on building, strategizing, or running around in circles whining that it is taking too long.

After 5 minutes, the first set of doors opens and the teams can engage one another.

After 25 minutes, Marines gain access to the Siege Room from which they can ARC all three hives at once.
No9.485 MiBJan 6, 201301-11-2014 18:35:37