Showing 2,226-2,250 of 2,767 items.
AuthorPreviewIDTitleDescriptionTagsUnlistedFile SizeCreatedUpdated
Avatar X-Illuminati175344136Clear WaypointAdds console command to clear your current waypoint.
Note that this does not prevent you from receiving new waypoints.

Console Commands:
clearwp - Clears your current waypoint.
restorewp - Resores the waypoint.

Bind a key to console command 'clearwp'.
Press the bound key anytime you want to dismiss your current waypoint.

The restorewp command is mainly useful if you run into a bug and stop getting all waypoints. Leave a comment below if you run into any sort of bug with this.

Press the ~ / ` key to open the in-game console.
Type 'bind Backslash clearwp' and press enter.
Then, while you are playing you can press your backslash key ('\') to clear any waypoint that you get.
No1.472 KiBSep 3, 201316-09-2013 23:41:32
Avatar X-Illuminati172888902FlipModAdds coin flip and random generation capabilities to the game client.

Console Commands:
flip - Flips a coin resulting in either heads or tails.
random [m [n]] - Generates a random number between m and n. If m and n are not provided then a random number between 1 and 100 will be generated. If only m is provided then a random number between 1 and m will be generated.
rand [m [n]] - Synonym for random.
joinrandom - Joins a random team.
jr - Synonym for joinrandom

Chat Commands (behave as described above):
/random [m [n]]
/rand [m [n]]

Either type the console command into the in-game console or type the chat version of the command into the in-game chat.
You can also bind keys to the console commands (e.g. bind F3 joinrandom).

Preview Image courtesy of patpitchaya /
No2.013 KiBAug 25, 201316-09-2013 23:37:25
Avatar Killer Monkey172866435ns2_Igneus3rd times the charm, right?No1011.461 KiBAug 25, 201315-09-2013 18:56:25
Avatar WD132151982ns2_colony_alphaColony is a 4 tech point 8 RT map with a totally unique layout.
I was inspired by AVP which had all these indoor and outdoor environments in a colony setting so I wanted to bring this to the NS2 universe.
Eventually I will make my own textures and models to bring this map to life.

Update 15 sept. 2013:

Changes from the last build:
- No more gray textures.
- More lighting tweaks.
- Closed up the Lot a little.
No1.066 MiBMar 13, 201315-09-2013 16:54:01
Avatar Samoose174798747ns2_co_biodomeBiodome map for combat. Currently playing with different spawns to see which is the best, so please leave feedback in the forums here about what you think. The blocked off areas aren't permanent, so they will be better in the final version depending on which spawns I choose best for balance.

Mod id: a6b379b
No5.348 MiBSep 1, 201314-09-2013 02:32:51
Avatar Greedy 🦄160652965Xenoswarm AssetsXenoswarm Assets ModNo11.616 MiBJul 16, 201313-09-2013 23:14:51
Avatar bjjt75943673ns2_turtleA small turtle shaped vessel for deep space exploration into the toughest realms of the unknown worlds.

-A total of 5 Tech-points and 8 Resource-points.
-Two Cross Spawns.
-NSL performance (no sounds, no particles, minimum lights)
-modid 486cef9

Map developed by benoit 'evilbob' thiercelin.
(Evil_bOb1 on ns2 forums)\n\n\nForum thread:\n\n\n
No3.165 MiBJun 9, 201213-09-2013 05:29:54
Avatar Anthyr156241482Natural Selection 2 ClassicalBased on the Natural Selection 2 version 249 before the balance changes happend (version 250+).\n\n\nIt includes the Shine Admin Tool as well als the old Alien Stealth mechanic, where aliens did got full stealth while moving, but with a speed penalty.\n\n\nThis version was not made for different marine-models as so you might encounter problems with that.\n\n\nThe Alien Vision is now back green, however the colors are not totally original, if someone has a better/nearer the original suggestion, just post it.\n\n\nKnown Bug: Fade Blink Animation not displaying properly.\n\n\nIf you find any more bugs, please post em.No3.065 MiBJun 28, 201311-09-2013 18:27:59
Avatar Bloodhound 🅱🅻🅾🅾🅳156537787Better Build 249Description:
When running the Natural Selection 2 Classical mod alongside other mods such as Better NS2, National Gaming Badges or Shine Administration, the latter(s) do not seem to load and work properly due to conflicts with the loading method. When all mods are combined in one mod such as Better Build 249, they run alongside nicely.
Better Build 249 also includes a working version of NS2Stats.

- Better NS2 (Release 249, Build 0)
- National Gaming Badges (1369095999, 21 May 2013)
- Natural Selection 2 Classical (1378631851, 8 Sep 2013)
- NS2Stats (1371228325, 14 Jun 2013)
- Shine Administration (1378655103, 8 Sep 2013)

No4.056 MiBJun 29, 201310-09-2013 22:27:30
Avatar Samoose176658584No NameNo Name\n\n\nNo597.853 KiBSep 7, 201310-09-2013 22:25:39
Avatar SkulkBait176788992Diamond Badge PackDiamond Badge PackNo9.805 KiBSep 8, 201308-09-2013 21:05:55
Avatar Killer Monkey115795799ns2_OriginRemake of my favorite Natural Selection 1 map\n\n\nWork in Progress\n\n\nNew launchpad is wierd hope this workedNo1.033 MiBDec 26, 201207-09-2013 23:51:51
Avatar topeveryday168697011ns2_research ALPHA EXPERIMENTNs2_research is a research center based around the science of plants.\n\n\nThis is a different layout than your typical NS2 maps, shipping/Receiving and OxyGen only have tech points, no resource nodes, this is a research test. Teams can either spawn in transgenics or reception. Fight for control over the research center.\n\n\nPlease leave feedback on if you can, and let me know if you plan on testing this map on a server, invite me!No247.196 KiBAug 11, 201307-09-2013 15:59:42
Avatar CtrlAltDel169931944ns2_nanogridVanilla NS2 map in alpha stage for testing.No798.888 KiBAug 16, 201306-09-2013 06:05:29
Avatar Laama175435139Laama's Simplified CrosshairsThis mod includes the simplified versions of the crosshairs introduced in Reinforced Expansion.No56.694 KiBSep 3, 201304-09-2013 19:13:48
Avatar Seraph144388008ns2_co_angst portRemake of the NS1 map, co_angst. Credit goes to the original map maker.

publish_id = 89b2fa8\n\n\nLooking for someone to take over re-imagining the level.

Onos cannot use elevator, might switch that to a ramp...
No454.045 KiBMay 11, 201303-09-2013 05:56:04
Avatar Jean de la FrontLane164423482Elysium Alien VisionAlien Vision custom, don't work on all server.No1.191 KiBJul 28, 201303-09-2013 02:29:13
Avatar Potat0 Inc.138562031NS2_TarvosGreybox Alpha of NS2_Tarvos

Changed Lab a bit to test something (Sorry its so square right now :( )
Nearly the entire map is now textured ;)


- Temp removed waterfall in waterfall :(
- Swapped spawn to now be Waterlessfall and observation for testing
- Fixxed poweless floor near observation


Increase in Server room FPS


Halved the Water cinematics in the RR
Textures Server room


Spawns set to Laboratory and Steam Room\n\n\n===\n\n\nQwiXXeR
No4.901 MiBApr 12, 201302-09-2013 14:32:45
Avatar Flaterectomy174843914ns2_church_of_onosThis is the hive room I made for co_portals, a fun map for NS2 Combat Mode. This is not a functional map, but basically just a readyroom.No875.157 KiBSep 1, 201301-09-2013 14:05:31
Avatar dinoking88174555124Raven Claw AxeA pure black axe for those with a dark soulNo140 BAug 31, 201331-08-2013 17:12:09
Avatar Huze108350718Insight In-DevNo1.588 MiBNov 15, 201229-08-2013 05:36:46
Avatar empyreanrrv172416514AsylumNo753.501 KiBAug 24, 201326-08-2013 15:45:35
Avatar empyreanrrv166592504ns2_lockdownPrison mapNo2.524 MiBAug 4, 201325-08-2013 15:38:24
Avatar Samoose159183199Random Menu SwitcherRandomly chooses a menu animation/cinematic from the folder ns2/cinematics/menus\n\n\nTo add menus, simply copy your menu into the folder and add a number at the end 1 greater than the highest number in the folder. So\n\n\nmain_menu1.cinematic main_menu2.cinematic. Don't name any of them main_menu.cinematic as it won't read it. Then go into this mods folder,\n\n\nlua/Main.lua and change the constant "kNumOfMenus to however number of menus there are. currently includes 3 cinematics, different\n\n\nvariations of each just to show it works. In the future I hope to be able to read how many files there are in cinematics/menus and\n\n\nautomatically set the kNumOfMenus constant to correspond t how many there are. Also hope to make it so that anyone can make a menu and\n\n\nsimply have it so it puts it in cinematics/menus along with what I mentioned above so it is easier to use. But I can't figure out how to do\n\n\nthat at the momeny, so any help would be great!No363.581 KiBJul 11, 201322-08-2013 18:43:16
Avatar Commando171602897TSF Deluxe Edition MedicA skin for the Deluxe Edition Marine, some people wanted a medic skin for this model, so I went ahead and made one.

This skin has a slightly darker camo texture than the other medics, and has bright blue lights on his armor. He also has a medic symbol on the back of his helmet, and on his left shoulder plate. I altered his hand plates so they do not show the eagle emblem, they are simply blank. The TSF logo on his front armor was left on as it would not fit a medical icon.


- Hands Texture.
- Custom Specular Map.
- Custom Illumination Colors. (Light Blue)
- Slightly Different Camouflage Brightness.\n\n\nCopyright 201X. This user generated media is not authorized for posting, redistribution, modification, unless by the sole owner of the steam account associated with this workshop item.
No5.304 MiBAug 22, 201322-08-2013 01:48:51